In a recent article by Ryan Holmes, president of HootSuite, he states the Social Media Manager is dead. This got me thinking...should the position ever have existed?
The answer is no.
The Social Media Manager position was a catch all by companies that just did not get it and thought they needed young, digitally connected employees to manage their online communications.
The position is dying and not just because social is everyone's responsibility. The position is dying because the young, hip employees in charge of social do not understand how business is run; they do not understand the importance communications play in corporate success; they do not understand the ramifications of an errant tweet; they lack the ability to be strategic and align their actions with corporate goals. It's not their fault - they just haven't been prepared for those responsibilities. Instead it is the hiring company's fault for putting them in that position.
As companies and marketing departments have become wiser (I use that term loosely) they have realized, as the article points out, social media is just one channel in a broader mix of communications. Those that do social right also realize they need someone with a real understanding of the business and market available to make social engaging. You cannot hire someone in their mid-twenties and expect them to engage in a meaningful conversation about the business and market.
Regardless if you are in a BtoC or BtoB environment you must engage - something the majority of companies still lack. The reason is two fold. First, the people in charge of social don't have the experience/understanding of the market to respond. Second, companies are not willing to staff / pay for the right employees to manage these communications. This is why social is becoming the responsibility of everyone.
Here is the full article.
What do you think? Is the position dying or maybe dead already? Should it have even existed to begin with?
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